Don't Date Your Roommate (Magnolia Springs Book 2) Page 4
Finishing up my shower, I decided I needed to turn the tables back in my favor and pulled on the thinnest pair of mesh basketball shorts I had, knowing damn well they would showcase my long, thick cock, especially since I was going commando. As we Netflixed and chilled, I made sure she got a nice view of the goods while we sat on the couch. Several times I saw her look over and stare at my cock, biting her lip or sometimes licking it. Good. She was almost right where I wanted her.
After inching closer and closer to her throughout the night, she finally bolted up, claiming she was ready for bed. Hiding my smirk, I gave her a good night hug, being sure to press my semi-hard cock against her soft belly. Now here we are, Monday morning and we’re both at work. But I have plans to take this to the next level tonight.
Realizing I can’t put my boys off a second longer, I turn around and lean back against the breakroom counter. Delaying a bit more, I take a large gulp of my coffee before I decide to speak.
“You ready now, princess?” Dane asks me with a quirk of his brow, his massive arms crossed over his broad chest.
“What?” I deadpan, still sipping my coffee.
“C’mon, man. You know what we wanna know. Quit bullshittin’ already.” I wonder how much Asher knows. Ava is Callie’s best friend and if the girls have already talked, I have no doubt Callie’s shared everything Ava said with him.
“Not much to tell. I moved in and we hung out. What?”
“That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna say?” Dane questions.
“There’s nothing else to say.” I shrug, push off the counter and head to the lobby, hoping my exit will end the conversation. But, of course I’m not that lucky. They follow right behind me and continue their interrogation.
“OK, man. Since you won’t say it, I will,” Asher speaks up. “We all know you’re attracted to Ava and she’s attracted to you. Are you gonna deny that?”
I look over to Dane, remembering he was into Ava too when we both first saw her. I know he’s tied up with Sophie right now and honestly, I’m hoping he finally wises up to the fact she’s into him. He gives me no indication that me pursuing Ava is going to be a problem, so I decide to answer Asher’s question.
“Fine. Yes, we’re into each other. But while I think we should see where this goes, I’m not sure where her head’s at on this. She’s pretty guarded and rightfully so, but I think she’s just scared. It’s up to me to make sure she knows she can trust me and I’m not gonna hurt her.”
“You think that’s a good idea while you’re living under the same roof? You hardly know each other, man. Waiting a few weeks isn’t gonna kill ya.”
“No, it won’t, but why wait when it feels right? And really, man? You’re telling me to wait when you and Callie are now living together after dating for two hot minutes.”
“Yeah… point taken. You’ve always been more of the boyfriend type out of all of us, so if it’s gonna work for anyone, it’d be you.”
“Go get her, tiger!” Dane says, followed by a fist bump to Asher. Idiots. I roll my eyes at both of them, finishing my coffee as I head into the shop. I’m hoping the day goes by quickly ‘cause I’ve got big plans for Ava tonight.
I keep staring at the clock, willing time to move faster, but of course it moves at a snail’s pace. Any time you want the day to go by fast, you get the exact opposite. I thought about popping next door to see Ava at lunch, but I didn’t want to seem clingy or eager. So, I hung back when Asher went to see Callie on his lunch break. Now I’m dicking around the shop, killing time before I can head over there to pick her up.
“Dude, staring at the clock is not gonna make it move any faster,” Asher chuckles, shaking his head at me.
“I’m not staring at the clock.” He quirks his eyebrow hard, letting me know he sees right through my bullshit.
“So, what’s the plan? How you gonna make her fall all over you?”
“I’m not trying to make her ‘fall all over me’,” I say with finger quotes. “I just want her to see that if she’s willing to give this a chance, I’m not gonna hurt her. That she’s safe with me.” I pause before adding, “And that she should sleep with me.” I give him a sly smile.
“Oh, is that all?” he questions.
“Yes, that’s all. And once we master that level, I’ll take it to the next level.”
“And what’s that entail?”
“OK, so after I gain her trust and get her to dip her toe into this dating thing, then I’ll make her see she needs me and that I’m the perfect boyfriend.”
“And then?”
“And then, I’ll make her see she can’t live without me, and my cock is the answer to all her prayers.” I grin at him, puffing out my chest.
“You’re an idiot, man,” he laughs.
“Learned it from the best big brother.”
I finish up in the shop then head to the office to wrap up some paperwork. Deciding to make her dinner at home, where we can relax and get some one-on-one time, I plan to make a quick stop at the store on the way there. If I can lure Ava into domestic bliss, maybe she can get a taste of what it would be like for us to really be together. And hopefully, she’ll like it.
Christian escorts me to the passenger side of his truck, opening the door so I can climb in. His hand on the small of my back is warm and firm, making me feel safe and cared for. He takes my hand and helps me in, closing the door as I buckle my seat belt. Watching him walk around the front of the truck, I take a moment to admire how gorgeous he looks with the sun shining on his dirty blond hair and the light scruff covering his cheeks and strong jaw.
“I need to make a quick stop at the store on the way home. Do you need me to stop anywhere else?”
“What do we need from the store?” I ask. His mom filled our fridge and pantry yesterday, so I can’t imagine what else we need.
“I’m making you dinner, so I need to get a few things to make my famous pan-seared steaks and herbed potatoes.” He says it so nonchalantly, like this is something he does all the time. I’ve never had a guy offer to make me dinner before and I’m not sure how to react.
Guys have only ever offered to take me to dinner; none have ever thought to cook for me. They were all so cliché, just a bunch of trust fund babies with pretty faces, suggesting we have dinner at the club like our parents or perhaps at some hot new restaurant with a year long waiting list. I guess I’m just another trust fund baby too, but I don’t and I won’t act like it.
I am not one of them. I am not like my mother—forced to be a debutante, going to cotillions and galas, kissing people’s asses and flashing money around. No thank you. I fit better into Callie’s family than I do my own, and that’s just fine by me. I don’t want that life.
I know that’s why my parents are hounding me right now. They don’t care that I want no part of that life. I have no doubt they don’t even miss me. They just want me to come home so they can parade me around the club like some show pony, hoping I’ll snag some wealthy, eligible bachelor with connections they can capitalize on. Well, tough shit, because I’m not going back.
“You’re really gonna cook for me?” I tilt my head, turning in his direction.
“Why do you sound so surprised? I’m sure I’m not the first man to cook dinner for you,” he says, glancing over at me.
“Other than Callie’s dad, yeah you kinda are.”
“What kind of douche bags have you been hanging around with? Every man should cook for a girl every now and then.”
“Maybe, I guess. But I don’t know any guys like that,” I say, looking down at my hands.
“That explains why you haven’t been in a relationship. You’ve been around too many idiots,” he says, shaking his head. “Well, now you have me, Ava Bear, and I’m making you dinner.” Is he implying we’re in a relationship?
We pull up to the small grocery store and I start to exit the truck. He places his hand on my arm, halting my movement. “Stay put. I’ll come around.” Not dwelling too much on how nice it feels to be treated with so much respect, I wait for him to open my door. He takes my hand to help me down, and then like it’s the most natural thing for him to do, he places his hand on my lower back to escort me into the store.
Once we grab what he needs to make dinner, a bottle of wine for me and beer for him, we check out and head to the house. I help him carry everything to the kitchen, then we both decide we need showers before dinner. After washing away all the sugar and flour from a long day of baking cupcakes, I pick out a matching bra and panty set and decide on a casual dress instead of my usual yoga pants and tank.
Christian is unlike any guy I’ve ever known. He’s definitely not like the guys my parents have tried to set me up with. He’s kind and generous, sweet and funny. He’d do anything for anyone and is so loyal to the people in his life.
I’m tired of fighting how I feel about him. He’s given me no reason to think he doesn’t want to take this further than just friends. And I know that’s what I want too. So tonight, I’m gonna make sure he knows I’m ready to see where this goes.
Christian’s already in the kitchen when I finally walk in. He slides a glass of wine my way and gives me a wink. “You look pretty,” he says, making me blush.
“I thought I could at least look presentable if you’re making me dinner.” I shrug.
“You always look beautiful, no matter what you’re wearing, Ava.” I love the way he says my name. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.
“So, what can I help with?” I ask, taking a sip of my wine. The sweet fruitiness hits my tongue, making my mouth water. I lick my lips to capture the last bit of sweetness on them. I look up from my glass to see Christian watching me, or more accurately watching my mouth. When he doesn’t answer, I ask again.
“So, what can I help with?” I say a bit louder, grabbing his attention.
Clearing his throat, he answers, “Can you make the salad? I think I have everything already pulled out.”
I look at the ingredients on the counter and confirm everything’s there. Grabbing a large glass bowl from the cabinet, I begin making the salad. I watch in awe as Christian moves around the kitchen with ease, like he’s done this a million times and hasn’t only been living with me for a few days. For such a big guy, his movements are smooth and surprisingly graceful.
I continue watching him as I finish the salad and drink my wine. His ass looks magnificent in his dark wash jeans and his tight black tee fits perfectly over his broad chest and strong arms. Those corded forearms are on full display, the tan skin covered with a light dusting of soft blond hair. I look up to his beautiful face to find him staring at me with a quirked brow and a smirk.
“Like what you see?” I drop my head to my chest, knowing I’ve been caught. Again. For the hundredth time. I never said the man wasn’t eye candy. Just that maybe I shouldn’t hit on him while he’s living here. I’m trying to be sensible, but I’m not blind.
Deciding I should just go ahead and put it out there, I respond, “Yes, I like what I see.”
Clearly my answer caught him off guard, his lips parting and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He quickly recovers with a smile and says, “Well, looks like my plan will be easier to implement than I thought.”
Before I can answer, my phone that’s laying on the counter begins to ring with a familiar ringtone. The one that’s specifically set for my mother. We both look down at the display and see “Mom” on the screen.
In a soft voice, he says, “You should answer that, Ava. You can’t avoid her forever.” He walks around the island so that he’s now standing next to me.
“But can’t I though?” I ask him jokingly, but also kind of being serious.
“I told you before I’m right here for you. And I meant it.” The phone stops ringing as he takes my hands in his. Gently rubbing his thumbs across the backs of my fingers, he locks his eyes onto mine and just looks at me for a moment. I take in the depth of his bright green eyes and the sincerity held within them.
“Call her back. Let her know you’re OK, but you’re staying here. You have people who care about you here, Ava, and you don’t have to give that up. Just talk to her. And then… we should talk, OK?” He gives my hands a gentle squeeze.
I inhale a deep, cleansing breath. “Fine, I’ll call her back.”
I let go of Ava’s hands so she can call her mom back. She surprises me by putting it on speaker phone before she lays the phone back down on the counter, waiting for her to answer. I can tell she’s tense so I top off her wine and rub my hand up and down her back, hoping it’ll relax her.
Feeling the heat of her skin through her thin cotton dress is definitely getting the attention of my dick though. I’m standing closer to her than I probably should, her bare shoulders just a few inches away from the kisses I want to put there. Knowing I need to clear these thoughts from my head, I take a small step back so I don’t crowd her as she makes her call. Her mom finally picks up after the fourth ring.
“Where have you been, Ava? I’ve been calling and texting you for weeks. I shouldn’t have to chase you down,” she says rather coldly. No “hello”, “how are you”, or “are you OK.” Just right down to business. Maybe Ava was right and her parents don’t miss her. But how could you not miss your only child?
“You don’t have to chase me down, Mother. I know you know exactly where I am and where I’ve been this whole time.”
“Yes, and it was no thanks to you. I had to find out from the housekeeper, who found out from your friend’s mother.” Her voice is dripping with disdain.
“It doesn’t matter how you found out. You know where I am. So, what do you need, Mother?” Mother. Not Mom, but Mother.
I’ve never heard Ava sound so tense. Granted, we’re just getting to know each other, but I hate how tense she sounds right now. Wanting to ease the tension in her body, I stand behind her and gently slide my hands up and down her arms. I think it’s having an unexpected effect though, because her skin breaks out in goosebumps and I can see her nipples begin to harden beneath the thin lace of her bra. My mind says to stop so she can focus on her call, but my dick says, “Let’s see where this goes, big guy.”
“Don’t take that hostile tone with me, Ava. We’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted and now it’s time for you to show some gratitude for once. You need to stop wasting your time in that pitiful little bakery and come home.”
“‘Pitiful little bakery’? Are you kidding me, Mother? It’s not a ‘pitiful little bakery’ as you say. Callie’s done an amazing job and it’s a wonderful business she built from the ground up. She saved her money for years and opened her own business. A successful business, I might add. How dare you criticize her bakery? You’ve never even seen the place.” Ava’s face heats with anger.
“What do you know about hard work? All you do is spend Father’s money, prance around ‘the club’, and waste time gossiping with your botoxed friends. You haven’t worked a day in your life, Mother.”
“How dare you speak this way to me? What’s gotten into you, Ava? You’ve never spoken this way to me before. I’ve raised you better than this.”
“Grace raised me, Mother. Not you,” Ava seethes. Seeing I need to de-escalate this conversation, I lean over to whisper in Ava’s ear.
“Calm down, baby. Don’t let her get you so upset.” I gently brush my lips against the shell of her ear. Her body shivers against mine and my cock goes hard. She turns her head to look up at me and I nod my chin at her, encouraging her to continue. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
In a much calmer voice, she asks, “Why did you call, Mother? I’m in the middle of making dinner and I’d like to
get back to it.”
“You wouldn’t have to make your own dinner if you were home.”
“Enough, Mother. Now tell me why you’re really calling so I can get back to my life.”
“Your life is here, Ava, not down there in that Podunk town. You have obligations and commitments, and it’s time you started acting like a mature, responsible adult.”
“Thanks for the passive-aggressive insults, Mother. If that’s all this call is going to be, then you can see why I’ve been avoiding you. Now, if you’re not going to tell me what you really want, then I see no reason to continue this call.” Ava bites her lip as she waits for her mother’s response. You can hear her take a frustrated breath through the speaker phone before she responds.
“We want you to come home, Ava. We miss you and everyone’s been asking about you at the club.”
“And?” Ava deadpans.
“Blaine is home.” Blaine? Who the fuck is Blaine? Ava pinches the bridge of her nose, completely over this whole conversation.
“What’s that got to do with me, Mother?”
“He’s been asking about you. Don’t you think you’ve put him off long enough?” Ava looks up at me and must see the confusion on my face. She mouths “sorry” as she implores me with her eyes to forgive her. Forgive her for what, I’m not sure. But I damn sure intend to find out who this douche canoe is, when this call is over.
“There’s nothing between me and Blaine, Mother. And there never will be.”
“Nonsense! You two have dated since high school. Don’t be so cavalier, Ava. He’s asked about you constantly since he moved back home. And frankly, you’d be a fool to let him get away. He’s the most eligible bachelor in town, Ava. Now, come to your senses and come home, before you lose him.” Dated since high school?